WSA Pistol Components

For military, police, border control, and corrections
WSA Pistol Components are compatable with:
- Expandable Weapons Rack
- Bifold Security Cabinets
- Tambour Door Security Cabinets
- WSA Proprietary Safes

Lockable Pistol Boxes can accommodate pistols, cuffs and OC Spray

WSA Lockable Pistol Components are compatible with Expandable Weapons Rack, Bifold Security Cabinets, Tambour Door Security Cabinets, and WSA Propietary Safes

Glock case storage
Shown using WSA’s 3” Mag Box in Bi-fold Security Cabinet (also compatible with Expandable Weapons Racks and Tambour Door Security Cabinets).

Lockable Pistol Component & Mag
Available with lock rods for additional safety

Pistol Packs with Retainer
Available in 1,6 or 8 Capacity.
Ideal for seismic or shipboard applications